For a Bit of Fun

When eating jelly babies, nearly eight out of ten people bite off the heads first.

Just like humans British cows moo in accents specific to their region.

All polar bears are Irish: they`re descendant from brown bears that lived in Ireland over 10,000 years ago

98% of British homes have carpeted floors.

The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali.

Loch Ness is deep enough and long enough to contain the entire population of the world ten times over.

As a reward for winning the part of Harry Potter, the 11 -year -old Daniel Radcliffe was allowed to stay up and watch Fawlty Towers.

The word school comes from the ancient Greek for free time

Britain is the windiest country in Europe.

Prince Charles is the longest-serving heir to the throne in British history. He has held the position for 60 years.

In his first year at Harrow, Winston Churchill was bottom of the whole school

Most diamonds are at least 3 billion years old.

Charles Darwin calculated that English soil contained 50,000 worms an acre.

In 1811, nearly a quarter of all the women in Britain were named Mary. In 1811, there were only six men in Britain called Derek.

When Einstein published his Theory of General Relativity, the New York Times sent their golfing correspondent to interview him